Consistent income with long term option trades.

The MARKet Update – 10/25/22

Good morning O$ traders!

As you can see on the above chart, we are still stuck under the 3820 trend line which has been offering plenty of supply/resistance.  We’ve hit this level six times in the last month.  This week is a big earnings week for the market so let’s see if we can finally break through this level.  I’ll be keeping an eye on this level today.  If we can break through it during the first hour of trading, we may move forward into the 3850-3900 levels.  Because of the volatility of all the earnings being released pre and post-market in the next few days, I’ll be looking to enter very short-term calls.  We’ll also look to sell our AAPL calls we are in very soon since they’re up over 80%.